North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius by Rachel Lang, VP of NCGR, Los Angeles

North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius by Rachel Lang, VP of NCGR, Los Angeles

The North Node will be in Gemini from May 4, 2020 - January 18, 2022. When it changes signs, we learn a new set of lessons, gain mastery over new things, and clean up aspects of our culture.  

What is the North Node? The Lunar Nodes (North and South) are invisible points at which the Moon's orbital path crosses the Sun's path on the celestial sphere (the ecliptic). Therefore, the nodes are the connecting points between the expressive, yang energies of the Sun with the receptive, yin energies of the Moon. The balance between yin and yang makes these magical points where you can experience absolute creative potentiality and the manifestation of desire when triggered by a transiting planet or eclipse (the eclipse cycles happen in conjunction with the nodes). 

The North Node is kind of like our North Star. When we follow the path of the North Node, we have a better sense of our purpose and direction. It helps us adjust our priorities according to the most significant lessons our souls need to learn. 

Since November 2018, the North Node has been in Cancer. It's no wonder that the sign of home, family, nurturing, and emotional connection has been pulling our attention, especially these past few months, as we have all been sheltering in place in our homes. 

In the meantime, we have been rethinking aspects of our culture that relate to Cancer's opposite sign, Capricorn. Capricorn is a sign of industry, institutions, rules, authority, and ambition. We have seen shifts in all of this as our priorities have turned to our homes. This is a clear illustration of the power of the transiting nodal axis.

Now, we shift out of that pattern and start another one. We will be looking at how to perfect and refine all things related to the sign of Gemini. We will also be clearing, remedying, and healing matters of our society associated with Sagittarius. 


  • Communication

  • News

  • Gossip

  • The transmission of information

  • Ideas and thoughts

  • Marketing and promotion

  • Local community

  • Playful curiosity

  • Life's details


  • Cultural beliefs

  • Religion

  • Global community

  • International affairs

  • Long-distance travel

  • Higher education

  • Publishing

  • Freedom and adventure

  • Philosophy

  • The big picture


More emphasis on details and facts in our news stories. Let's hope the days of "fake news" are almost over with the North Node in Gemini delivering the details. This transition will evolve over the next 18 months, though, and it could come because we reach a breaking point with misinformation and inflated truth. Those can be South Node in Sagittarius themes. 

Less fanaticism or holding to rigid belief systems. We will be moving away from this, and we'll become more curious and willing to explore ideas we may not have before. 

We can expect new gurus to come into our awareness. Despite this, we're shifting from following others to becoming our own gurus. Reading, personal development, workshops, and classes will help us fine-tune our inner awareness and more clearly hear our inner voices. This will help us separate what's true for us from what's out of resonance. 

Local communities will become stronger as we get to know our neighbors better and move from a more globally-focused framework to a more locally-focused one. You might see more of a trend in local food and manufacturing, for example. With travel restricted, we might be taking more road trips as opposed to flying overseas. Get to know your community and find out how to become more involved. 

Teaching and learning will be top priorities. Since we're doing both in new ways, we can expect more virtual classes, workshops, and offerings. Information will be at our disposal. 

Communication will be a big theme, and we will see workshops about how to communicate more effectively with others in business and our personal lives. 

More celebrity gossip. The North Node in Gemini makes us curious… about the lives of others. We could see a trend in celebrity or influencer gossip during this time. Hopefully, we’ll also see more of a draw to learning the truth as opposed to spreading rumors.

Everyone's going to want a hobby! It's a great time to take up dancing, pottery, horseback riding, or sports. These activities will be a way to build community with others and use our innate skills. Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, rules the hands and dexterity. Any hobbies that involve fine motor skills or working with the hands will be strongly emphasized. 

What it means for your sign:


This transit inspires your inner marketer, teacher, and writer. It's time to share your ideas with the world. You might write a book or teach a course. Your mind is more active and engaged, making this an excellent time to learn as well. The local bookstore will be your favorite place. Sibling relationships will also be a focus for you, and you could grow closer to your family. 


Your focus is on finances, and in particular, how your income relates to your sense of self-worth. You’re developing new ideas for how to feel more abundance in your life. During this transit, you could receive a promotion or raise. Or you could have a financial loss and strategize how to overcome it. In doing so, you’re building confidence and self-worth.


The North Node in your sign means it’s time to prioritize yourself. You could feel more independent and interested in pursuing your own goals. Work to improve your physical health and boost your vitality. You can also use this influence to promote yourself or your work and gain more visibility for your talents and skills. You will care more about the identity you express to the world through your senses of style.


Your focus turns inward, and your intuition is reaching a high point. It is a very spiritual time when you can access more of your insights and gifts. Take a class to develop these inherent skills. It's possible for you to experience deep healing for past struggles. Work with a therapist or healer for extra support. Pursue a mentor as well. 


This transit helps you focus on how you can make more of a difference in the world. Prioritize social engagement and become involved in your community. It is no time to be a lone wolf. Connect with others and make new friends. Build your network. You're thinking in innovative new ways, and you have new visions to manifest into reality. Collaborate with others for optimal success. 


Now is the time to advance your career, and you'll find yourself stepping into the spotlight in new ways. You can gain recognition for your talents and skills, and you'll see the fruits of your labors. You may need to move away from your hometown for an opportunity. If you've been uncertain about your career, you could gain a stronger sense of your mission in life. It is time to step up and live your purpose. 


This transit awakens your sense of adventure. You will want to explore new places and travel (if you can). You could decide to go back to school to earn additional qualifications or for a total career change. If you are thinking about writing a book, now is the time. This influence suggests the possibility of publishing. Expand your worldview through learning and exploring new ideas. You're on the brink of embracing a more expansive mindset. 


You will be thinking about how to build wealth through investments. The words "passive income" may repeatedly run through your mind. It is also a time when you're thinking more about the legacy you'll leave. You could consider sharing resources with someone, through marriage or attaining power of attorney for a loved one. Develop your intuitive abilities and explore hidden aspects of your psyche. 


Relationships will be a priority for you. You're ready to collaborate and connect, but you'll do so in a way that won't compromise your independence or freedom. New business partnerships could form during this time. You could also work with an agent or representative to help you showcase your talents. Overcome any tendencies to think you have to do it all on your own. Allow others into your life. 


You feel more driven to achieve during this transit, and you'll be quite busy pursuing your goals. This is the time to adopt new habits to support your health and wellbeing. It's also a favorable time to find ways to give back. Rather than focus on making money, prioritize making a difference through service to others. This is a great time to start a healthy-living diet/exercise plan. You'll stick to it!


Now is no time to worry about what others think. You have ideas to express and visions to manifest. Be in the creative flow. Allow yourself to be more playful by relaxing and enjoying life. If you have children in your life, plan activities with them that will please your inner child. It is a fertile time, too. Romance is also heightened, especially if you're single. 


Home and family will draw your focus. It is a time when real estate will be a theme, and you could decide to make a move or renovate a property. You could use this time to start a family as well. Family relationships will be in the spotlight, and you might have tension between career and home life. You might also go back into your past and explore your ancestral roots. 

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Rachel Lang

Rachel is the Vice President of NCGR Los Angeles Chapter. She is an astrologer, psychic medium, and Reiki healer. Find out more about her at